About Me

Hi, I Am Danielle Cornelius
I have always been aware of good health, the importance of fitness and the concept of wellness. As a young adult I committed to regular exercise, ate a low fat diet, did everything I was told would lead to good health and wellness. Yet in my twenties I had adult acne, caught bronchitis every winter and had signs of gut stress.
As a new parent raising my “gen z” children I still exercised, I was even a spin instructor for a hot minute. I ramped up the animal proteins, said no to extra sugar, desserts, ate everything dry because “the fat was is the sauce”, had a few extra pounds I couldn’t shift, still had acne, and two new symptoms- eczema, and chronically itchy skin (Urticaria). Oh, and I still had signs of gut stress. But how? I was doing everything “right”.

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As my children cusped their teen years I drank my 2 litres of water, learned how to play tennis, still did my spinning, added resistance training for my bones, gave up simple carbs, said no desserts, ate 90% dark chocolate. Only now, after decades of eating the wrong foods for my body at the wrong times my digestive stress was progressing towards irritable bowel syndrome, the first step on the rung to irritable bowel disease. I was on a daily antihistamine for my urticaria, regular ibuprofen for the workout soreness, I was getting wrinkles under my acne, my eczema was alive and well and I was becoming afraid of food. This was not good. Not only was it not good but I was setting an example for my two teenagers. What message was I sending about food? Was I passing on a positive relationship about diet and image for all my years of following the very mixed advice I received about good health? This got me researching nutrition and led me to professional study of nutritional therapy and naturopathic medicine at the award winning College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, England.

Today I am mid-life, fit, healthy and feeling fabulous even though I have not seen the inside of a gym in a couple of years. I still exercise but it’s more walking at-pace commuter-style, and long weekend hikes. I am nurturing myself because that is what this body tells me it needs at this time. And you know what? My weight is stable though I eat a lot. If anything I have to watch not to lose weight. My skin is clear, free from acne. My eczema and digestion are improving- a work in progress. Fact is I have been driving my health disorders for decades, it will take a spell to reverse the damage and let’s face it- health is not static. What I require today will be different from what I need in 10 years time. Right now I am physically balanced, emotionally energetic, positive and full of vitality. There is a truth about the link between whole food nutrition, reducing exposure to environmental toxins, detoxification, and human health if you can get past the mixed messaging, slick marketing and the ease of conveniences designed to save you precious time while robbing you of your vitality. The truth is that nature provides the tools to maintain your health and your body tells you what you need if you can learn to listen to its signals. I am a qualified naturopathic medicine practitioner and nutritional therapist ready to work with you, to bring you back into balance, to help you feel vitally healthy at any age.